What You Should Consider When Preparing for an HVAC System Upgrade
The beginning of a new year is an ideal time for you to set your household’s budget. If you have an old HVAC system or your heating and cooling bills are high, it’s time to start thinking about a new installation. It’s best to plan for a replacement so you can avoid an unpleasant surprise if your current unit stops working. Here are some factors you should consider as you prepare for an HVAC system upgrade in your Calhoun, Georgia, home.
Look at Efficiency Ratings
Look for your cooling system’s SEER. The seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) is the cooling output over the average cooling season divided by the total energy consumed during that same period. Gas furnaces and water heaters use an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating. This rating is based on the amount of fuel used compared to the amount of heat produced. For example, a furnace with an AFUE rating of 90 percent would lose 10 percent of the energy it gets from natural gas.
Since heat pumps heat and cool your home, they have SEER and HSPF ratings. HSPF measures the total heating required during the heating season divided by the amount of electricity the heat pump consumes. The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is used for window units, air conditioners, and heat pumps. It is the ratio of the cooling capacity to the average rate of energy the unit consumes.
Higher ratings indicate better levels of performance. More efficient units carry a higher price tag, but you will benefit in the long run because of better air quality and reduced energy waste. You should also look for an HVAC system with the ENERGY STAR label which indicates efficient performance and energy savings.
Have an Expert Help With Right Sizing
To find the correct size for your HVAC system, the experts at Dalton Heating & Air will perform a load calculation. We’ll use Manual J, a set of guidelines and specialized software created by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America. The load calculation considers several factors, including:
- The size of your home
- The number, sizes, and types of windows
- The quality of the insulation
- The local climate
- The number of occupants
- Your household’s heating and cooling needs
Large HVAC systems are more expensive, they use more space, and they consume more energy. They can also short-cycle or turn on and off too often because they change your home’s temperature quickly. As a result, these units might not stay on long enough to effectively control humidity or indoor air quality.
A system that’s too small will stay on for a long time and struggle to keep your family comfortable. The increased wear could cause an early breakdown, as well. With a professional load calculation, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have the right system for your home. You can trust our factory-trained service technicians for dependable and expert installation.
Don’t Forget About Your Ductwork
The condition of the ductwork could also affect your budget for your upgrade. If your ducts are in bad shape, that is, there are leaks or cracks, you will need to schedule service for repairs or replacement. If there is damage to the ductwork, that new energy-efficient upgrade will make little or no difference.
Cracks and other damage cause air leaks. You will notice problems like weak airflow, poor indoor air quality, and high energy bills. Warm spots or drafts are also common. Poor ductwork design can also cause problems with HVAC efficiency.
Dalton Heating & Air has been serving the North Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee, region since 1991. We value honesty and dependability so that you can count on us for reliable evaluations. If you’re ready to upgrade your HVAC system, contact us today at 706-619-2799. We’re the right choice for no-fuss HVAC installation.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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