How Windows Impact Heating Efficiency in Calhoun, GA

According to the US Department of Energy, a home’s windows account for as much as 30% of its heat losses in the winter. Here are three ways windows impact your heating efficiency in the winter in Calhoun, GA.

Location and Size of Your Windows

If your home has large, southern-facing windows, they should help improve your heating efficiency in the winter. Southern-facing windows will allow for solar heat gain during the day, reducing the burden on your heating system. The best way to maximize their benefits is by opening any shades or curtains on those windows during daylight hours.

Type of Windows in Your Home

If your home has old, single-pane or aluminum-frame windows, they will rob your home’s heating system of efficiency. That’s because such windows don’t do a good job of keeping cold air out in the winter. They may also allow warm air from inside your home to escape, magnifying your problem.

Your Windows’ Installation Details

The parts of your windows that you can see aren’t the only parts that affect your heating efficiency. If your windows weren’t installed with adequate insulation around their frames, they could be leaking heat. If the area around your windows feels cold to the touch in the winter, they’re likely suffering from this problem.

While your home’s windows play a big role in your heating efficiency, nothing beats a new, efficient HVAC system. Upgrading your home’s HVAC system can save you significant sums on operating costs. You should also ask us about signing up for a maintenance plan for your existing HVAC system.

Keeping your existing HVAC system in good working order will help it to operate at peak efficiency. Then, you won’t have to worry as much about squeezing every drop of efficiency out of your home’s windows. Whatever you choose, be it a new HVAC installation or maintenance, contact Dalton Heating & Air for excellent systems and services.

Image provided by iStock

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