4 Ways to Be More Energy-Efficient This Summer in Rocky Face, GA

As the hot summer weather continues, you’ think of new ways to keep your air conditioner running efficiently. Here are four ways you can maintain and energy-efficient home and AC system this summer in Rocky Face, GA:

Use Fans and Ventilation Strategies

Ceiling fans exist to make people feel cooler. They don’t actually cool spaces, so shut them off if you leave the room. When taking a shower or doing laundry, use fans and ventilation to remove humidity. The bathroom and kitchen fans should send humidity outside and not into the attic.

Keep Your AC System Running Efficiently

Keeping lamps or TVs away from your thermostat helps the system because it won’t sense extra heat and run longer than it needs. Dust and debris can block the airflow of your vents, and furniture can block vents as well. You should move furniture away from vents and vacuum all the vents to remove any excess debris.

To maximize your energy affordability, schedule maintenance for the AC system. Our professionals can do regular maintenance to find minor issues before they become major problems. This will lower the amount of energy your AC system needs to cool your home.

Prevent Hot Air From Leaking Into Your Home

You should do your best to keep hot air from leaking into your home by sealing any cracks or openings. Seal leaky doors and windows with caulk and weather stripping. Another way to control heat better is to add solar control film to your windows or install awnings.

Use the Sun Strategically

You can use the sun to your advantage as the seasons change. Close your curtains to keep things cools, and allow the sun to shine in the right rooms when you want to keep in the heat.

Sun-facing rooms are usually the warmest rooms, so prepare those windows correctly. You should always have options to control how much sun can enter sun-facing rooms as the seasons change. Many people have blinds or curtains inside their homes, and you can find exterior blinds to limit the sunlight that enters your house.

The temperature is lower at night and at its coolest first thing in the morning. Instead of using your AC system on a mild night, open your windows. If you need any energy-efficient HVAC services, call Dalton Heating & Air to schedule an appointment today.

Image provided by iStock

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